make their claim on the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, the dysfunctional family that is House Lannister struggles to conceal their weaknesses and keep their boys perched upon the royal seat. War is inevitable! With each unholy union, and after each blood-bath wedding, after each battle on the icy wall, or in the forrest, or in the harbor, soon the privileged will face a contender capable of taking over. Can the Lannisters defend their dynasty—or will a new king emerge? We will see.
Behold! Gameday of Thrones is here! It's time for you to form a battle-plan, draft your troops, set your lineup, and take no prisoners!
That's right fellow team-owners, we're back for another season of fantasy football. This time, our matchups will take place within a medieval fantasy world. And just in time! Red Riders defends his two-time championship (winner in 2013 and 2014). The last two-time defending champion was Svvashbucklers in 2010 and 2011. Is it time for a regime change? Oh yeah! Prove it!
You know the drill. Leaguesafe payment requests will be sent out soon. Pay your dues ($50), and register your team in Yahoo. Let's shoot for a 14-team league this year. That means if the 10 we had from last year all renew, we'll have 4 open spots, so spread the word. We're recruiting serious fantasy-footballers only. Below is the draft order for 2015. The Draft will be online—Labor Day (Monday Sept. 7) at 1:00 pm EST.
1st pick - Nips
2nd pick - Lou
3rd pick - Commish
4th pick - A-Ron
5th pick - Kenny
6th pick - Kevin
7th pick - Jason
8th pick - Cha
9th pick - The Dean
10th pick - Mr T
11th pick - new team-owner
12th pick - new team-owner
13th pick - new team-owner
14th pick - new team-owner
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